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Educator Certification

Introduction to Robotics

Robotics and AI are indeed leading necessities and pivotal skills for students, making them top trending skills of the 22nd century.

The innovative learning offered by these fields enhances several key aspects of student development:

  • Critical Thinking and Problem Solving 

  • Hands-on Learning

  • Boosting creativity and innovation

  • Real world Application

By incorporating robotics and AI in schools, we equip students with essential skills and mindsets that are crucial for their future success in an increasingly technology-driven world.

 Unique Training Approach

Sensory Learning

Screenshot 2024-02-06 at 1.53.00 PM.png

Sensory Learning

Screenshot 2024-02-06 at 3.17.17 PM.png

An Unforgettable Experience

Screenshot 2024-02-06 at 3.20.20 PM.png

Kit Model

Robotics Lab Curriculum School Brochure (1).png

Lab Setup 

Individual Kit

Course Overview
15 Projects / Grade

Grade 1 - Robotics with Lights, Code.Org

Grade 2 - Robotics with Sound, Code.Org

Grade 3 - Robotics with Mechanism, Scratch

Grade 4 - Robotics with Sensors, Scratch

Grade 1_Torch_edited.png
Long Robot Claw with 2
Grade 5_Obstacle Avoiding Robot_Back_edi
Bulldozer Robot_edited.png

Grade 5 - Robotics with Sensors, App Dev

Grade 6 - Robotics with Sensors, App Dev

Grade 7 - Robotics with A.I. Python

Grade 8 - Robotics with A.I. Python

Nano Soil Moisture Monitoring_edited.png
AI Face Recognition based Intruder Alarm.png
Hand Motion Controlled Automatic Door_ed
UNO Distance Motor.png

Grade 9 - Robotics with Arduino C Programming

Grade 10 - Robotics with Arduino C Programming

Nano Robots_edited.png

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